Thursday, December 7, 2006

well hello there havent seen u in a long time

well here seeing as today is full of YAY but sorry i shall say sorry
y am i saying sorry u might ask?
its because i havnt bloged or done anything to do with blogger for a realy long time and i mean a realy long time ok now to get u caught up with my life hmmmm all i can tell u thats exciting is i went to the dentist like three times a couple weeks ago hmmmm oh right and i bought PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN II 2 DSK SPECIAL EDITION. well tomorrow we're going to see a movie called THE NATIVITY STORY and i cant wait arg i want to see it. well back to my life. i borrowed a couple cds off a friend and they had computer demos the only one ive played is EMPIRES dawn of the new world. it a pretty good game especially wen u can blow up anyone u want if ur the Germans(and u know a cheat code) but now im going to test out theother demos so good bye an see u next time i log on

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