Monday, December 25, 2006

well im here to say Merry Christmas! im so happy i finished/started shopping for stuff yesturday. well its all done now i need breakfast im realy ungry. ahh froot loops u have saved me again with ur glorious artifitial fruity taste. well we havent started opening presents yet but it should be coming, as soon as people wake up >_<>

Sunday, December 17, 2006

titlless title

ok so seing as no one looks at this blog and comments i guess i could put anything on this thing hmmm so wat should i put on well today was the last halo church thingy with rob cause theyre leaving to alberta edmonton or somewhere around there well its boring talking to my self so if u just so happen to read this tell "How are you doing today?" so thats it goodbye

Thursday, December 7, 2006

well hello there havent seen u in a long time

well here seeing as today is full of YAY but sorry i shall say sorry
y am i saying sorry u might ask?
its because i havnt bloged or done anything to do with blogger for a realy long time and i mean a realy long time ok now to get u caught up with my life hmmmm all i can tell u thats exciting is i went to the dentist like three times a couple weeks ago hmmmm oh right and i bought PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN II 2 DSK SPECIAL EDITION. well tomorrow we're going to see a movie called THE NATIVITY STORY and i cant wait arg i want to see it. well back to my life. i borrowed a couple cds off a friend and they had computer demos the only one ive played is EMPIRES dawn of the new world. it a pretty good game especially wen u can blow up anyone u want if ur the Germans(and u know a cheat code) but now im going to test out theother demos so good bye an see u next time i log on

Saturday, November 25, 2006


Well my old blog was being stupid an wont let me sign(i made my password so well done that not even i could crack it with my sistr's help) in so NEVER go back there cause NOBODY will be posting anything new. and if anyone emails me at my new email they will get alot of spam and i do have a lot of spam. sogoodbye