Saturday, January 6, 2007


hello it is 6:20am i just finished papers so here i am, Morning! u know wat i just realized ? look sort of like light bulbs.(or maybe thats the tiredness speaking) Ok so this one might actually be on the topic of questions of God maybe just a thought. so question 1 if u were aloud to have Gods power and all his duties would u take it? would u take the world and all its inhabitants into ur hands just for a day? i dont know if i would. id probably be crushed by just having hearing every prayer that was being said at all times. and id probably be so astounded by being able to see everyones past present and future. it would be kinda creepy wouldnt it?question 2 if u could see one day in the future what would it be? for me it would be my dieing day. because a lot can be told from ur dieing day like who your friends are who cares and who will still be here when ur gone. im pretty sure there was one more question i wanted to ask but im getting really tired so goodnite and until next time good bye

1 comment:

AfterVerner said...

Well, it depends on the condition of receiving this power. Like, am I still confined by time? Restricted to the human body? Cuz if so...Maybe even if it were, I think I'd try it.

And a day I would like to see in the future?

I donno. Theres a lot of days I think are worth seeing.