Thursday, March 8, 2007


Hello month of March (and all who read this)
well im here and now im going to tell you what im going to do for the month of this. im going to go off pop for another month. i tink its becoming a yearly deal now cause last year in june i did the exact same thing wierd right. well i forget why i did that but the reason fo this year is because Laura is going off phantom for a month so we decided that we'd suffer together. and now ive taken a great intrese in coffee drinking, mainly church coffee drinking. havent realy drinen cofee anywhere else but ive also dranken alot of ice tea(i think just about as much as i use to drink pop. but ive also got another addiction coming along too much video game playing. i think thats all i did today was video games. mainly sonic the hegehog that has bad graphics but i still played it anyways. good game.(if i say its a good game its probably because i have just played alot of it)

On a different note i saw Zodiac on Sunday with dad and rachel. for those who dont know whatthis movie is based its about this mass killer guy that after he killed people he would phone the police to brag about it and he sent letters to all the news paper buisnesses. sad thing is its a true unsolved story. and the police still have all the evidence from this guys attaks. oh and it all happened down in the states. its ok a bit long at 2h 37min. the next movie im wanting to see is 300. its about 300 spartains fighting against the persians for freedom. it comes out tomarrow. i hear from some weird people that some guy off phantom is in it. there should be lot of killing and death so im thinking that star cinema aint ever going to get it so off to silver city i go after i find others who want to watch it as well.

well ive spoken all my thoughts and now i say sayoonara and good night.